Hot L Baltimore
A heartfelt comedy that focuses on the lives of the residents of the decaying Hotel Baltimore. When faced with eviction, everyone’s will is tested & their true characters are revealed.
“I don’t keep clocks. Clocks and dogs. My clock’s outside my window, at the front of the terminal. Says quarter after five. Twenty four hours a day. I figger, that’s a good time for just about anything.”
“If my clientele represents a cross section of American manhood, the country’s in trouble.”
“All you have to say to a hooker is cottage small by the water fall and they fold right up.”
“Honey, I don’t mind the singing. I just wish you’d learn the words to the song.”
“ If you spent as much time looking at ceilings as she does, you’d care what they look like.”
“Guy says ‘what’s that’ . I say ‘That’s the tub, that’s where I keep the alligator, better stay back; you aint got nothing you can afford to lose.”
“Every city in America used to be the most beautiful city in America.”